circa 1950s
Mechanical Flat
My Valentine Shuttle-cock and Battle-dore Is a game that I adore, But I love you, oh, much more.
Rare Shuttle-cock and Battle-dore (an early version of badmitten played with a different style racket)
Circa 1910s
made in Bavaria
published by Ernest Nister/E P Dutton
No. 1154
Part of a series featuring different sports
circa 1950s
also seen as 2 1/8" x 2 3/8" w/o text
circa 1920s
made in Germany
circa 1920s/1930s
made in GERMANY
circa 1940s
made by A-MERI-CARD
circa 1920s/1930s
made in Germany
Wow! These wonderul creations from so many years ago are priceless. I am amazed as I look at your collection, the creativity that went into a message about just about everything. These are truly fine art...all of the Valentines. And what writers we had then. You just don't see these anymore.